22 July 2010

Day Eighteen, 915-1530, Total Time = 113 Hours 5 Minutes

Yesterday's word of the day carried over to today. I spent today scanning again. This is starting to consume too much time. I talked with Bill about my progress in the project and mentioned that I had scanned about 170 photos up to this point. He asked if I had more photos and if I do to have someone in digital production scan the rest. I did have a few left, so I took the remaining photos upstairs for DP to take care of for me. Bill had expressed that I may have too many photos. I explained that I feel the same way, but I have a plan. As I am going through and entering the metadata, I will be even more selective and pick the upper eschelone of photos to tell the Akron story. Then, depending on how much time that takes, the photos that did not make the first cut will be added on a second cut. He liked this plan and hopefully next week I will be able to stick with it.

1 comment:

  1. Be sure to come see me each day you're here, as I want to monitor the final progress and do my best to see your project to a conclusion that is satisfactory for you and us. Are you attending the Cleveland Memory Project Team meeting on Wednesday, August 4th, at 10:00 a.m.? If you are able to, you could do a presentation on your project.
